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SCG in the Media 

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Artisan-Spirit-Winter-2014Artisan Spirit:
Recent, yearly reports for the retail sales of distilled spirits have topped US$75 billion, with a sales volume of over 210 million 9-Liter cases. However, it is estimated that less than 2% of those sales were conducted online. Compared to other industries, the sales of spirits report the lowest percentage of Internet customers since online shopping became mainstream over twenty years ago. Read more..


Modern Distillery Age:
Susan Mooney of Spirits Consulting Group Receives 2015 New York Brava Award
Susan Mooney, CEO of Spirits Consulting Group, founded in 2010, was recently awarded the 2015 New York Brava Award. Mooney works with entrepreneurs who have left safe, predictable jobs because they had a passion for a new product. Read More…


Artisan-Spirit-Summer-2015Artisan Spirit: 

The results are in: craft beer and artisan spirits are a hit with the consumer! The marketplace loves the variety and the opportunity to support local breweries and distilleries. Consumers might even have a friend or family member who has decided to brew their own beer or distill their own gin. The craft boon has created jobs, brought about an increase of suppliers for dry and wet goods, but in turn, created new challenges. Read More…


moscow-1-15 Beverage News Daily: 

At Spirits Consulting Group we see a lot of projects in the early stages and as such are often in a position to see where the market is headed before products are even launched. Recently we’ve seen or helped develop several products that suggest that the ready to drink/prepared cocktail category is going in a very interesting direction. The prepared cocktail (ready to drink) category has historically seen volume ups and downs as new brands hit the trend of the moment, rocket up in case sales and then tumble down as that trend fades and a new one arrives. Read More…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1466878213860{margin-top: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Client Coverage

A sample of press results for our clients

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